Other Applications

Self-Driving Labs

Our software can be used as a key part of the design-make-test-analyze cycle.

design-make-test-analyze cycle diagram

Our software can also be integrated into self driving labs where we could leverage public data and data generated in the lab to develop machine learning models that could then enable the design of new molecules prior to their synthesis and testing.

self-driving lab cycle diagram

Rare Disease Registry Development

Batten Disease Registry logo

A patient registry is a place to store detailed information about patients with a specific disease or syndrome potentially allowing the collection of ‘real world data’. Guidance is available from the FDA, EMA and others on the building and use of registries for supporting regulatory decision making for drugs and biological products (See references below).

Through the necessity of needing a rare disease registry we have created our own for one of the rare diseases we work on in order to help us find patients for a future clinical trial. The registry was created in Python using the Django web framework. All data collected is stored in a SQLite database file that can be used to retrieve information that has been stored on the site. Over the coming months we will be seeking IRB approval and launching this registry, sharing more details here on our progress.

We realize this may also be a useful capability for others to learn from our expertise. If you would like a rare disease registry custom built perhaps we can assist you in your journey too. Please contact us for further details!